Thursday, January 29, 2015

Update on Zoe - (36 weeks)

Date: January 14, 2015

Age of gestation: 36 wks.

BP 120/90 
Month before  120/90

Weight 119
Last month 118 (Gained a pound)

Baby's weight
6lbs 7oz

Things to note:
- Gestational hbp occurs during high-risk pregnancy or age 40 up

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Getting ready for Zoe (37 weeks)

I'm currently 37wks + 2 days and almost at the home stretch, i feel so overwhelmingly tired of being  pregnant  right now that i just want to  pop this baby out... and my pelvis/pelvic area hurts so bad when I get up or even when I move/change position in bed. It's gotten to the point that it hurts to even get out of bed or sit up. Even walking is majorly uncomfortable. It started when I was 36wks preggo... I've also been having preterm contractions, but nothing has been regular yet. The baby moves all the time and my dr says that there's nothing wrong, but the pain and pressure sometimes worries me....

I have an scheduled CS operation on the afternoon of Jan. 31st in time for my husband's arrival... Can't wait to get this baby out, can't wait to hold her in my arms....

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Update on Zoe (6th Pre-Natal Check-up)

Date: January 7, 2015

Age of gestation: 35 wks. (8.5 mos.)

BP 120/90 (high compared to previous bp's)
Month before  100/70

Weight 118
Last month 117 (Gained a pound)

Doctor's advise:

- Monitor my blood pressure everyday for 3 days... Take meds if it stays high...
- Drink plenty of water, milk, more on fruits and veggies, soup and stay away from salty, sweets, fatty food...

Possible birth control method:
 - Tubal ligation

CS operation sked:
 - Jan 28

Friday, December 5, 2014

Update on Zoe (5th Pre-Natal Check-up)

Date: December 5

Age of gestation: 30 wks. (7.5 mos.)

BP 100/70
Month before  100/80

Weight 117
Last month 117 (Didn't gain any weight...)

Duvadilan - for the mild contraction (taken only when experiencing hardness in the belly)
Calcium - once a day after dinner

OB's advise - drink plenty of water...

On my last pre-natal check-up, we found out my baby was breech (suhi), hence the nickname...

Today at my ultrasound, she's still breech and to make it more complicated, she's not in the usual breech position wherein the head is on top, she is in a transverse lie or nakahalang... 

No wonder my bump is quite big, and the endless kicks all over my belly... 

We still have a good 7 weeks to see if she's gonna position herself head first thru the birth canal...

But if not, we already arranged plans for a C-Section around 3rd to 4th week of January...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

4th Prenatal Check-up

Date: November 7

Age of gestation: 25 wks. (6mos.)

BP 100/80
Month before  90/70

Weight 117
Last month 115

Gained 2lbs in a month (which is just an ideal weight gain according to my doctor), glad that not an ounce of weight is anywhere but my belly.

I'm 25 weeks pregnant going 26 and at my last antenatal appointment, my OB reckoned the baby was breech, hopefully she turns before my expected date of delivery otherwise i'll be having a c-section operation... I'm not bothered by the thought of a C-section to be honest - I think it will be a relief for me as I have been dreading giving birth naturally again (after almost 16 years with my firstborn). I am trying to work on my fears though, so hopefully if I have to give birth naturally, I will be able to cope and handle my fears. 

I am now not sure of the position of the baby. My abdomen feels hard high up on both sides  - felt like 2 heads - it was really confusing!! 

My left rib is very sore at certain times of the day - my OB says its when the baby is stretching its arms and your rib contracts and it feels like you want to lift it to stop the ache. 

I am also getting kicks in my lower pelvic area - like she was trying to kick my pelvic joint, hard enough to feel like punches... I guess I have a little tap dancer on my bladder! Very painful at times I had to wince...

Fingers crossed, I am hoping my little one turns - my OB said there is no point in worrying at this stage because in most cases, the baby eventually turns. 

Also I have read some articles with some exercises that are meant to encourage turning like spending lots of time on all fours with your bum in the air. I think I'm gonna have to try that...